August 2017

Online judging form and Guild Advancement

My Dear and Fellow Brewers, Greetings!

After much toil by Maximilian, which followed a motion made by Master Rurik at the Festival AGM, we now have a simple online form by which one can submit a request for an advancement in the Guild.  The link can be found here and should be pretty self-explanatory.

For those interested in grading the brews, please get in touch with Maximilian and he can arrange for you to be added to the system.

Additionally, at the tasting that occurred at Midwinter Coronation, Maximilian submitted a Cider that was judged as drinkable by divers people present; I know this by looking at the online form.  As such I would have it known that Maximilian is to be an Apprentice in the Guild, and that I look forward to further work from Apprentice Maximilian.

In Cerevisio Felicitas,

Padraig Lowther, Journeyman and Clerk of the Guild
At Innilgard on the Feast of St Hormisdas, Steffan and Branwen being in their second reign.


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