
A gathering of members to taste and evaluate the results of our efforts.

Southron Gaard Yule Tasting

This fabulous Yule event (13-16 July) will host the first guild tasting in the Crescent Isles since Canterbury Faire. Bring your best winter warmers to stave off the Southerly chill.

The site is, once again, the Raincliff Youth Camp just inland from sunny Pleasant Point. There are 72 beds in 12 bunk rooms available, as well as camping sites (some powered). Enjoy feasting, fighting, archery, dancing, and drinking all under the watchful eye of the elusive Pied Piper of Hamelin.

By Rohesia | Tastings, Uncategorized | Link

Rowany Festival AGM, Competition and Tastings

My Dear and Fellow Brewers, Greetings!

Firstly, I apologise for the delay in this missive, as I have been distracted by the press of business at my estate.

Item, at Rowany Festival recent was held the Guild’s Annual General Meeting, where the sole order of business was the election of the Guild Clerk.  I am pleased to say that the Guild now has a new Clerk in James Douglass, Baron of the Court of Lochac and Master of the Pelican.

Item, after the election was held the tastings for the Guild competition for Rowany Festival, being for a gruit.  As the sole entrant, I appear to have “won” this competition.  As victor, I would like to announce that the competition for next Festival shall be for a dark ale or beer, to whatever recipe or redaction the entrant favours so long as it come from grain.

Item, after the Competition came the open Tastings.  The meeting attendance varied over the course of the meeting, due to the press of other business at Festival for many, thus some of the most-approved beverages in each section had 11 plusses, others 8.  Recorded attendees were: Padraig, Rosalind, Mont Joye, Constantine, Yast, Bjorn B, Henecoc, Ianto, Al’Attar, Tim, Bjorn P, James, Maximillian and Sigvaldr.  The beverages presented  were as follows:
Ales and beers: Padraig’s rosemary gruit, James’s Stout, Henecoc’s kit honey wheat beer, Bjorn P’s buckwheat scotch heavy, Henecoc’s kit ginger beer.  The most approved was Henecoc’s kit honey wheat beer, followed by James’s stout.
Wines and ciders: Rosalind’s cider, Bjorn B’s perry, Ianto’s elderflower, Bjorn B’s plum wine, Al’Attar’s Bloody Mary Brew, Bjorn B’s beetroot wine, Padraig’s Cider water, Ianto’s 16 yr old kit Cab Sav.  The most approved was a tie, between Ianto’s elderflower and his kit Cab Sav; mention should be made of Bjorn B’s beetroot wine, as the consensus was that it would make an excellent ingredient or base for borscht or other similar stew.
Meads and melomels: Bjorn P’s Casual Profanity, Padraig’s pomegranate and citron melomel, Ianto’s 2015 blackcurrant melomel and Ianto’s 2016 blackcurrant melomel.  The most approved was Bjorn P’s Casual Profanity, underscoring why he is having success with his brews outside of the SCA, followed closely by Padraig’s pomegranate and citron melomel.
Spirits and liqueurs: Kotek’s blackcurrant brandy, Bjorn B’s cherry liqueur and Bjorn B’s butterscotch liqueur.  There was a tie between Kotek’s brandy and Bjorn B’s cherry liqueur for the most approvals.

I would like to thank all the Brewers, Vintners and Imbibers who made my tenure as Clerk such a joy, and look forward to the tenure of James.

Yours in Service,

Padraig, Journeyman of the Guild
At Innilgard on the Feast of St Petronax the Benedictine, Tailtiu and Rowland being Crown.



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Rowany Festival AS LI: Guild AGM, Tasting, Competition and New Rankings

My Dear and Fellow Brewers, Greetings!

This past Festival was a busy and eventful one, especially for the Guild.  This missive is to serve as a recitation of the business conducted at Festival, so that all in the Guild may know of these Happenings.

Primus, there was held after the Laurel Prize Tournament the Guild AGM, wherein the only formal piece of business was the election of the Clerk of the Guild for the coming year.  As the only candidate, your humble Author was returned to the Clerkship, for which I can only offer my humble thanks to the Guild for their confidence.

Item, following the Guild AGM was held the Guild tasting, which was run by Rosalind, Apprentice within the Guild, due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict on my part.  The results of this are as follows; the single entry in Fermented Soft Drinks was Rosalind Beaufort, thus she is victorious in this category.  For Beers and Ales, in order of descending approval, there was Stuart the Brewer’s German beer, then Eclen’s ginger beer, then a tie between James Douglas’ red ale and Eclen’s ginger ale, with Bjorn Bassason’s summer beer making up the numbers.  For Wines and Ciders, in order of descending approval, there was a tie for first place between James Douglas’ Yppocras and Rosalind Beaufort’s mead, then Eclen’s sparkling cherry wine, then a tie between Eclen’s blueberry wine and James Douglas’ cider, then Bjorn Bassason’s cider, then Beatrix’s mead, with Bjorn Bassason’s orange wine making up the numbers.  For Meads and Melomels, in order of descending approval, there was Bjorn Purssaspringr’s sack mead, then William Montrose’s Raisin Mead, with my own mustard mead making up the numbers.  For Spirits and their infusions, in order of descending approval, there was Bjorn Bassason’s peach liquor, then Hostilia’s butterscotch liquor, then a tie between Beatrix’s cherry liquor and Bjorn Bassason’s raspberry liquor, with two more liquors, watermelon and lychee, from Bjorn Bassason completing this section.  This Tasting counts for Advancement, and so I commend those who entered to consider their rank within the Guild and their standing in this Tasting. I would note that, similar to the Tastings undertaken at Canterbury Faire, that the press of Time’s Bootheel be on us all, and so Fellows of the Guild should be wary about the number of beverages they submit to the Tasting, especially if they submit several within the same category.

Item, this Festival the Competition was for a Cider containing one ingredient other than Apples, Yeast, Water and Yeast Nutrient if desired.  Victorious in this competition was Wolfgang Germanicus, with William Monrose placing second and my own water-cider bringing up the numbers.  I have asked Wolfgang to nominate the Category for next Festival’s competition, and he wishes it to be Unhopped Ales.  Thus, a brew primarily from malted barley, wheat, spelt or other grain commonly used for the purpose of making beer, that contains no hops but may be flavoured with other ingredients.  I look forward to this next competition, and anticipate a fine variety of gruits.

Item, a member of our Guild has, through diverse efforts, improved their Rank in the Guild.  This is Asbjorn Pederson, who through his efforts is now reckoned a Craftsman by the Guild.  Craftsman Asbjorn is the first of our number to be reckoned as such by the Masters of the Guild, and I commend his knowledge and experience to all who wish to learn of the Mysteries of our Art.

This complete my report, and so I leave you firm in the knowledge that I remain

Padraig Lowther, Clerk of the Guild
At Innilgard, on the Feast of St Winewald,
Ariston and Lilavati being Their Lochacic Majesties

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Canterbury Faire Tasting 2015

Canterbury Faire 2015 Brewers Guild Meeting

Present: Mistress Rohesia, Mistress Elayne , Mistress Miriam, Lords James of Southron Gaard, Dauid De Cochran, Timothy Haast, Wiley, Damian, Nathan, John Longshanks, Kotek, Howard, Gideon, Giles Ballard, Edward, Rossell fitz-Richard, Noah, Hercules, Hannibal Mailmaker, Sam, Ladies Iseabail, Margriet, Constance, Sigrith, Sally, Helga, Isabeau and Alanna (taking minutes).

Not everyone was present for the full tasting hence the total votes changed from time to time. There was no official business so we got straight into the tasting.

18 brews were entered over 5 categories. There was a tie between Rohesia with the Metheglen and the Red Zoned Avoncider, and Timothy with the Sweet Mead and Dark Rum. The tie was decided by the on site brew off, using our own home made malts. A public tasting ended with votes 28 to 13 in favour of Rohesia’s Gruit Ale, over Timothy’s Barley Malt Ale, giving Roheisa the Canterbury Faire Tasting prize for 2015.


Rohesia’s Elderflower Champagne <2%
As per last year, Lemoney with a good elderflower nose. Well liked by the Guild and the populous.
Category WINNER by default.


Timothy Haast’s Pale Ale
A very “happy” beer, using English yeast and NZ hops. Presented on a hand pull. A good English pub ale.
Votes 9 positive, 10 neutral, 3 negative.

James’ Meant to be a Bitter
Added too many hops. Primed and conditioned in the bottle, would have been better cold.
Votes 3 positive, 7 neutral, 12 negative.

Damian’s Belgian Saison
Crisp and refreshing
Votes 17 positive, 5 neutral, no negative.
Category WINNER.

Timothy Haast’s Padrons Barley Wine
As presented last year, now aged a year.
Votes 12 positive, 8 neutral, 2 negative.

James Black Death
Way too much chocolate malt gave a LOT of colour, but not a lot of flavour
Votes 6 positive, 8 neutral, 2 negative.

Dauid’s Pear Scrumpy
7kg of pwears juiced, store bought yeast, still cider.
Votes 12 positive, 11 neutral, 2 negative.

Rohesia’s Scrumped Perry
Fermented on the fruits own yeast.
Votes 10 positive, 6 neutral, 8 negative.

Rohesia’s Serpent’s Kiss Cider
Fermented on the fruits own yeast. A mix of backyard apple varieties. “First mouthful is bitey then it grew on me”
Votes 15 positive, 7 neutral, 1 negative.

Rohesia’s Cox’s Cider
Only Cox’s orange apples used, fermented on the fruits own yeast.
Votes 3 positive, 11 neutral, 7 negative.

Rohesia’s Redzoned Avoncider
A mix of backyard apples scrumped for the earthquake damaged suburb of Avonside, fermented on the fruits own yeast. Back sweetened with Quince syrup. Votes 22 positive, no neutral, 3 negative.
Category WINNER. Also won the Brewers guild Cider competition held during the A&S display.

Rohesia’s Redzoned Crabapple Cider
A mix of crabapples and Red delicious with some Japanese Quince, fermented on the fruits own yeast.
Votes 6 positive, 8 neutral, 5 negative.

Howard’s Gooseberry wine 10%ish
Flavour of burnt peanuts, might be better chilled.
Votes 3 positive, 8 neutral, 9 negative.
Category WINNER by default.

Rohesia’s Queen Elizabeth Metheglen (original recipe)
Winner of the Midwinter coronation competition. Herbed mead according to the recipe favoured by Queen Elizabeth I.Flavoured with rosemary, thyme and sweetbriar (Elegantine)
Votes 24 positive Unanimous.

Rohesia’s Queen Elizabeth Metheglen (altered recipe)
The same as above but with extra sweetbriar.
Votes 13 positive, 6 neutral, 1 negative.

Timothy’s Sweet Mead
Made with raw honey and a little honey comb, Flavours of pepper and lavender
Votes 23 positive Unanimous

Timothy’s Dark Rum
Made from sugar and molasses, back sweetened with molasses, aged in a 10 ltr oak cask.
Votes 24 positive, 1 neutral.
Category WINNER

Rohesia and Silver’s Apple Brandy
Silver’s autolosis tainted cider, distilling, aged for a year on oak and apple wood, diluted with a little apple juice.
Votes 9 positive, 7 neutral, 4 negative.

BREWED ON SITE ALES, as voted by the populous who tasted them.

Rohesia’s Gruit Ale
Using our home made pale malt, Heather (from Timothy’s garden), Sweet woodruff (from Rohesia’s garden) and Yarrow picked on site. Sweetened with honey and using a Belgian Saison yeast. Yeast was pitched on the Tuesday evening of Faire and the ale drunk on the following Saturday afternoon.

28 votes from the populous.

Timothy’s Barley Ale
Using our home made malt, some of which was toasted on site on the Sunday of Faire and using a Belgian Saison yeast. Yeast was pitched on the Tuesday evening of Faire and the ale drunk on the following Saturday afternoon.

13 votes from the populous.

By Rohesia | Canterbury Faire, Tastings | Link

ATTENTION: Canterbury Fairers

As per last year, we’ll be holding a Brewers guild meeting/tasting in the Cultus Faunus Encampment at Lunch time on the Monday of Canterbury Faire. (1pm, 20th Jan) Please bring your lunch with you.
Items for the agenda are;
Comment on the re-written Charter.
Whether we would like to run a brewing competition for next Faire.
Thoughts and ideas on guild ranking.
The tasting categories will be:
Alcoholic soft drinks
Ales and Beers
Wines and Ciders
Spirits and Liqueurs
Tasting notes and votes will be taken and published after Faire.
By Rohesia | Canterbury Faire, Tastings | Link