Rowany Festival AS L AGM and Rankings

My Dear and Fellow Brewers, Greetings!

This year’s Guild Annual General Meeting was held on the Friday of Rowany Festival, being the Feast of St Dismas the Good Thief in AS L.  The sole matter of formal business conducted was the election of a new Guild Clerk, Master Rurik having served for long enough as to feel that it was time for another to serve the Guild in this fashion.  For the post were nominated Baron Angus and myself; Padraig, Lord of the Pelican.  The Guildmembers present chose to select me for this role, for which I can only give my humble thanks again.  I also thank Master Rurik for his excellent work in building the Guild up to where it currently stands, and Baron Angus for also volunteering to stand for this post.

After this was done, I explained to all present who might not know the structure of voluntary rankings used in the Guild, and demonstrated how one might go about applying for rank within the guild.  This demonstration was to qualify myself as a Journeyman in the Guild, and thus I am proud to announce that I am also now noted as a Journeyman on the rolls of the Guild.

Once this demonstration was done, I was summoned to tourney; I had already girded myself for combat and thus moved off to joyful combat.  As for the informal tasting session that followed, I have some papers, but there was not the standardised responses in the Canterbury Style we have come to expect from or Fellows in Southron Gaard.  I am therefore desolate in that I cannot give a full report of the guild tastings, but I can say that Sorcha’s spirituous infusion was much admired, that Stephanos’ Sahti was rated as wonderfully savoury and that Thorgrim’s cider was refreshing and cleansed the palette well.

It is therefore clear that a move to the Canterbury Style of running a guild tasting is to be encouraged at the divers meetings of the Guild. To that end I have asked Rohesia, Journeywoman of the Guild, write instructions on the method of conducting a meeting in the Canterbury Style, to standardise practise throughout Lochac and to make sure that the efforts of all who Practice the Mysteries of our Craft may be noted in their good works.


In Cerevisio Felicitas,

Padraig, Clerk


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