
Bring out your Smalls for Canterbury Faire

The Guild competition for Canterbury Faire 2018 is “small’s” being low alcohol drinks, such as small ale, small mead or fermented soft drinks. Bonus points will given to those who make sufficient quantities to have it put “on tap” at the Mangy Mongol for the populace.

The competition will be judged during the A&S display on the Tuesday morning of Faire. The judging form  that will be used can be found at https://brewers.lochac.sca.org/files/2015/01/Brewers-Guild-judging-form.pdf Entrants should provide a sample of their brew and documentation to the judges by 10am sharp.


By Rohesia | Uncategorized | Link

Online judging form and Guild Advancement

My Dear and Fellow Brewers, Greetings!

After much toil by Maximilian, which followed a motion made by Master Rurik at the Festival AGM, we now have a simple online form by which one can submit a request for an advancement in the Guild.  The link can be found here and should be pretty self-explanatory.

For those interested in grading the brews, please get in touch with Maximilian and he can arrange for you to be added to the system.

Additionally, at the tasting that occurred at Midwinter Coronation, Maximilian submitted a Cider that was judged as drinkable by divers people present; I know this by looking at the online form.  As such I would have it known that Maximilian is to be an Apprentice in the Guild, and that I look forward to further work from Apprentice Maximilian.

In Cerevisio Felicitas,

Padraig Lowther, Journeyman and Clerk of the Guild
At Innilgard on the Feast of St Hormisdas, Steffan and Branwen being in their second reign.


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New Apprentices at Pencampwr

Congratulations to the eight new apprentices from Aneala and Abertridwr who successfully entered the ranks of the guild at Pencampwr weekend. They supplied in the region of 40 brews and nearly broke Guildmaster Drake’s liver. Well done you guys!

By Rohesia | Uncategorized | Link

Rowany Festival AS L AGM and Rankings

My Dear and Fellow Brewers, Greetings!

This year’s Guild Annual General Meeting was held on the Friday of Rowany Festival, being the Feast of St Dismas the Good Thief in AS L.  The sole matter of formal business conducted was the election of a new Guild Clerk, Master Rurik having served for long enough as to feel that it was time for another to serve the Guild in this fashion.  For the post were nominated Baron Angus and myself; Padraig, Lord of the Pelican.  The Guildmembers present chose to select me for this role, for which I can only give my humble thanks again.  I also thank Master Rurik for his excellent work in building the Guild up to where it currently stands, and Baron Angus for also volunteering to stand for this post.

After this was done, I explained to all present who might not know the structure of voluntary rankings used in the Guild, and demonstrated how one might go about applying for rank within the guild.  This demonstration was to qualify myself as a Journeyman in the Guild, and thus I am proud to announce that I am also now noted as a Journeyman on the rolls of the Guild.

Once this demonstration was done, I was summoned to tourney; I had already girded myself for combat and thus moved off to joyful combat.  As for the informal tasting session that followed, I have some papers, but there was not the standardised responses in the Canterbury Style we have come to expect from or Fellows in Southron Gaard.  I am therefore desolate in that I cannot give a full report of the guild tastings, but I can say that Sorcha’s spirituous infusion was much admired, that Stephanos’ Sahti was rated as wonderfully savoury and that Thorgrim’s cider was refreshing and cleansed the palette well.

It is therefore clear that a move to the Canterbury Style of running a guild tasting is to be encouraged at the divers meetings of the Guild. To that end I have asked Rohesia, Journeywoman of the Guild, write instructions on the method of conducting a meeting in the Canterbury Style, to standardise practise throughout Lochac and to make sure that the efforts of all who Practice the Mysteries of our Craft may be noted in their good works.


In Cerevisio Felicitas,

Padraig, Clerk


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Rowany Festival AS L Brewing Competition Results

Collegial Greetings to you All!


At Rowany Festival last, held during the reign of Gilbert and Bethony, a Competition on Small Brews Without Hops was held; Rohesia, a Journeywoman of the Guild, called this competition “Bring Out Your Smalls.”  This competition was held on St Garbhan’s day, simultaneous with the Laurel Prize Tourney, an arrangement which worked satisfactorily and which I hope to use again.

Indeed, smalls were brought out and presented, four of them in fact.  Guildmaster Drake presented a small ale, as did Giles, Lord of the Pelican; Lady Rosalind Beaufort presented a recipe from Digby, being “Hydromel as I made it weak for the Queen Mother,” while I submitted an entry of my own, also from Digby, being “Sir William Paston’s Meathe.”

The competition was well contended, and the results are as follows.  The victrix of the competition was Lady Rosalind, with myself and Guildmaster Drake tying for second and Lord Giles coming in a close third.  The prize presented to Lady Rosalind, being an unpierced mash paddle one yard long, was generously donated by the Brewers and Mercers at the Inn at the Sign of the Stone Dog.

Here ends the report of the competition; please be certain to remember that

In Cerevisio Felicitas.

Padraig, Clerk

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New Compleat Anachronist on Medieval Brewing


Hot off the presses and available now from the US SCA Registry.

By Rohesia | Uncategorized | Link

Bring out your Smalls! Rowany Festival 2016 Competition

My Dear and Fellow Brewers, Greetings!

Having won the Rheinheitsgebot competition at Canterbury Faire just past, I have been charged to run a competition at Festival, and this charge I have accepted. After all, the more brewers in Lochac the stronger our Art becomes. However, since we are time limited and I have not seen as much ale around as I might like, I have decided to run the competition thusly.

This shall be a competition for small beverages; small ale, small mead, small cider etc. Herbs and botanicals are permitted, EXCEPT for hops; I am well aware of Lochac’s skill at beer, but I am keen to see more of Lochac’s ales, as well as herbacially assisted fermentations from other sugar sources.

The judging shall be done by an appropriate panel of Guildmasters at a time and place to be announced when the Festival timetable is better known. An example of the judging form can be found at https://brewers.lochac.sca.org/…/Brewers-Guild-judging-form.… so that people can familiarise themselves with the marking rubric; note the weight given to documentation and research.

I shall close this missive by hoping that I shall see your entry there beside mine, and remind you that I remain, Yours in Service,

Padraig Lowther, Master of the Pelican and Chaine Shotte Herald.

By Rohesia | Uncategorized | Link

Brewers Guild Competition – Canterbury Faire 2017

It was the decision of the CF 2016 meeting that the Guild Competition for Canterbury Faire 2017 shall be Mead! I’m telling you this now because mead takes a long time to brew so you should plan to start it yesterday, or as close to that as possible!
The criteria will be Mead: brewed with honey, water, and yeast plus one. One being any other single ingredient of your choice be it fruit, herb, spice or other. Entries brewed prior to today, which fit the criteria, will be accepted.
Entries will be judged for points out of 10 on Documentation, Workmanship, Authenticity and Overall Impression / Presentation. Entries may be submitted in person, by mail or by courier at the Arts and Sciences Display/Challenge at Canterbury Faire 2017.

Australians : PLEASE Read the section on trans-Tasman shipping on the Guild web page. https://brewers.lochac.sca.org/trans-tasman-shipping/
NZ has strict regulations regarding the import of honey products however if postal or couriered entries are accompanied by a signed letter stating the product has been heated as per the criteria listed on the webpage and that it is for a home brew competition, it should get through just fine (as has successfully been tested).

By Rohesia | Uncategorized | Link

Canterbury Faire 2016 was an excellent event for the guild.

The Brewers Guild Competition for Reinheitsgebot beers had 7 entrants, some of whom submitted more than one brew. Markus, who entered 3 brews at the last minute with no documentation scored the lowest. The next four entrants all scored within one point of each other. But the top two entrants were head and shoulders above the others. Sir Asborn’s IPA style amber coming second, as a last minute entry with only verbal documentation was scored equal with Master Padraig’s Small Beer, but the over all winner with a score of 85 out of a possible 120 was Master Padraig’s ( Paddy Neumann) Strong Beer. Your prize is winging it’s way to you via the same courier who delivered the entry. Our thanks to Lord Talorc Andy Deuchars, Lord Timothy Grey Wraith and Lord Wei David Mayes for acting as competition judges.

The Guild Tasting had 19 official entries and several more unofficial ones. Approximately 24 people attended the meeting. (With some coming and going)

Fermented Soft Drinks :
Wolfgang Germanicus ( Rob Braun) Cumquat Cordial
Mistress Rohesia (Belle Sibly) Elderflower Cordial WINNER

Ales and Beers:
Lord James (James Piesse) A Light and a Dark
Lord Luan An Fael A Porter
Markus A Belgian Dark / Barley wine
Mistress Elayne (Mont Joye) new Brown
Sam Radley An Irish Red
Vhailor (Lukáš Janků) APA and a Saison
Giles Ballard (Jason Atkinson) A Porter
Lord Timothy Haast (Grey Wraith) 2013 Old Ale
Amed and Maheshti (Agate Ponder-Sutton) Belgian Ale TIED WINNER
Sir Asborn (Maggie Forest) IPA TIED WINNER

Wines and Ciders:
Howard Blackboy Peach Wine
Mistress Elayne ( Mont Joye) Apricot Cider WINNER

Meads and Melomels:
Mistress Rohesia (Belle Sibly) Crabapple Mead
Mistress Isebail (Taryn East) Elf Chilly Mead WINNER

Spirits: NZ entries only as it legal here
Mistress Rohesia (Belle Sibly) Apple Brandy
Lord Luan An Fael Pomegranate and Rosewater Liqueur WINNER

Mystery Entries:
Helga presented fermented Raro (a NZ powered cordial)
Mistress Rohesia presented a 14th century Braggot (Spiced Ale Mead)

The over all winner was Mistress Isebail’s Elf Chilly Mead.

Because this meeting took two hours to complete it is requested that EACH PERSON BRING ONLY ONE ENTRY NEXT YEAR!

By Rohesia | Uncategorized | Link

Canterbury Faire 2016

For those coming to Canterbury Faire 2016 our Brewing Competition based on the “Reinheitsgebot” Bavarian beer purity law will be judged on Sunday 17th January between 10am and noon at the A&S display. On Monday 18th we’ll be holding our meeting/tasting at 4pm at the Cultus Faunus encampment. Hope to see many of your there.

By Rohesia | Uncategorized | Link